Ethmig Survey Data

ETHMIGSURVEYDATA – The International Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities’ Survey Data Network
ETHMIGSURVEYDATA is a COST Action that brings together researchers from all sectors (academic, think tanks, government, civil society organizations, private companies) to improve access, usability and dissemination of survey data on the economic, social and political integration of ethnic and migrant minorities (EMMs). This Action will achieve these goals by coordinating existing and future research efforts by scholars and research-oriented organizations that produce and analyze data on EMMs’ integration.
This network is funded for a 4-year period (2017-2021) by the COST Association through the COST Action 16111 with support from the EU Framework Programme 2020.
Below you will find information relating to our latest news. If you want to keep up-to-date with the activities of Ethmigsurveydata and its outputs, you can also join our newsletter here. You can also watch recordings of our past events and other videos and (in the future) podcasts, on our YouTube channel here.