Calls for Applications
Short-term scientific missions (STSM)
ETHMIGSURVEYDATA has an open call for applications for its Year 4 (1/5/2020-20/10/2021) short-term scientific missions (STSMs). Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until 15 September 2021. To be considered for these STSM opportunities, please consult the call for applications: CA16111 – Y4 CALL STSM (07.2020). More information about the STSMs and the application process can be found below and in the call for applications.
Short-term scientific missions (STSM) are research stays for researchers involved in our COST Action, allowing them to visit an institution in another COST Member state.
These research visits should be of minimum 5 days. The research stay should end before the end of the Grant period, in this case, 15 October 2021. The aims of our STSMs are to foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing among researchers working on EMMs’ integration and/or survey data and to support the Action in achieving its goals and objectives.
The COST Action CA16111 call for STSMs is primarily aimed at assisting the Action’s Work Group leaders in completing specific tasks. STSMs may also assist researchers in the COST Action to jointly prepare applications for funding directly relevant to the Action goals, to undertake joint empirical research, or to collaborate on substantive research leading to publications. Applications explicitly aimed at contributing to achieve the COST Action’s goals set for Year 4 will be given priority. Proposals with alternative goals and that do not relate to EMMs and survey data will not be considered.
STSM participants are eligible to receive a grant, which can be used to assist with travel, accommodation and meal costs. The grant amount is set in line with guidelines set by the COST Vademecum.
To be considered for an STSM, an applicant must follow specific guidelines outlined in our Calls for Applications.
ITC Conference Grants
ETHMIGSURVEYDATA has an open call for applications for its Year 4 (1/5/2020-20/10/2021) ITC (Inclusiveness Target Country) Conference Grants. The applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until 15 September 2021. To be considered for this funding opportunity, please consult the call for applications: ITC Call for Applications 2020 – 2021. More information about the ITC Conference Grants and the application process can be found below and in the call for applications.
ETHMIGSURVEYDATA’s ITC Conference Grants are aimed at supporting PhD students or Early Career Investigators (ECIs)—researchers who are within 8 years of completion of their PhD— from participating ITCs to attend international science and technology-related conferences, including those not specifically organised by the COST Action.
Participating ITCs are: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, North Macedonia, Republic of Serbia.
These Conference Grants are exclusively reserved for PhD students and ECIs with a primary affiliation in an institution located in an ITC that participates in this COST Action. The applicant must deliver an oral/poster presentation at the conference in question and must be listed in the official conference programme. The main subject of the oral presentation/poster presentation/speech at the approved conference must be on the topic of this COST Action, and hence must mobilise survey data on EMMs’ integration and be in line with the goals of the Action stated in its Memorandum of Understanding.
Although attendance at European conferences is preferred, conferences held elsewhere can also be considered. Additionally, the conference should be organised by a reputable academic or international organisation.
To be considered for an ITC Conference Grant, an applicant must follow specific guidelines outlined in our Calls for Applications.
4th ETHIGSURVEYDATA Training School
ETHMIGSURVEYDATA invite applications for participation (with or without financial support) in the Action’s Training School, organized online on 17-18 December 2020. The deadline to submit an application is 23 October 2020. More information about the Training School and the application process can be found below and in the Call for Applications for the 4th ETHMIGSURVEYDATA Training School.
Organized by the COST Action CA16111, the Universidad Autónoma Madrid and Casa de Velázquez, Madrid, Spain , the 4th Training School seeks to prepare a new generation of researchers interested in Ethnic and Migrant Minorities’ (EMM) integration with survey data by offering them the tools to design surveys on ethnic minorities or migrant minorities. The sessions will focus on methodological, conceptual, and ethical issues in designing and analyzing datasets on cross cultural / cross national research.
The Training School is primarily aimed at young researchers affiliated with institutions from participating COST countries and approved European RTD Organizations (for detailed information, please see the COST Vademecum), such as Ph.D. candidates, post-doctoral and early career researchers. Nevertheless, the training school is also open to anyone interested in the topics described above, from any professional and organizational background.
The COST Action will provide grants to cover attendance expenses for 10-12 trainees, depending on funding availability. Eligibility criteria for financial support include the applicant’s affiliation with an institution located in a participating COST country. There are several additional available places for participants who can cover their own costs of participation in the school.
Job Opportunities
We are currently looking for a Research Assistant at Sciences Po, CEE, in the FAIRETHMIGQUANT project (Deadline: May, 20th, 2020).
Call for Applications