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EMM Survey Question Data Bank

The EMM Survey Question Data Bank (EMM QDB) is a free online service dedicated to questionnaires used in quantitative surveys undertaken with ethnic and migrant minority (EMM) respondents. The EMM QDB collection is available on the Centre de Données Socio-Politiques (CDSP) of Sciences Po’s Colectica Portal, under the Series entitled, ‘Ethnic and Migrant Minorities Survey Question Data Bank Collection.’ Currently, users of the EMM QDB are able to discover and learn about the 8 different questionnaires used in the Immigrant Citizens Survey (ICS), LOCALMULTIDEM (LMD), as well as, The Integration of the European Second Generation (TIES) surveys, including their specific questions, using the ‘Search’ and ‘Explore’ functions of the CDSP’s Colectica Portal. As the EMM QDB Collection has been built using Colectica software, all of its questionnaires have been and will be documented to comply with the DDI-Lifecycle metadata standard.

The EMM QDB has jointly been produced by COST Action 16111-ETHMIGSURVEYDATA, the SSHOC (Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud) project, and the FAIRETHMIGQUANT project.

The EMM QDB is currently available in a pilot version. This means that it only covers questionnaires from surveys that are covered by the EMM Survey Registry, study the topic of social ties and civic participation, and have been conducted in select countries.

The EMM QDB has been coordinated and developed by a small team based at CEE (Centre d’études europénnes) of Sciences Po, which is led by Laura Morales. The Colectica Portal, where the EMM QDB and its collection are made available, is managed by the CDSP of Sciences Po.

As the CDSP of Sciences Po is part of PROGEDO, the French CESSDA Member, the EMM QDB was successfully included in CESSDA-led Euro Question Bank (EQB). In particular, CESSDA has successfully included questions in the EQB, harvested from the three EMM studies documented in the EMM QDB (i.e. ICS, LOCALMULTIDEM, TIES).

If you have any feedback to share on essential improvements or on any corrections that need to be made for a particular questionnaire, please send them to with the subject line: “Feedback on EMM QDB”.

In the sections below, you will find additional information about what the EMM QDB is, how it can be cited and reused, and how it can be supported. For information about how the EMM QDB was conceptualised and designed, please consult the report: D9.5 Feasibility report on setting up a collection of questionnaires relating to Ethnic and Migrant Minorities in the European Question Bank.


As the EMM QDB is currently available as a pilot version, it focuses on questionnaires found in the following 10 countries: Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, and/or the UK.

Countries outside of these 10 countries may be included in the pilot version of the EMM QDB. This would occur if a country was a participant in a cross-country survey that meets the aforementioned inclusion criteria of the pilot version.

Cite and reuse the EMM QDB

The default license for the EMM QDB is Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 International.

Whenever you are using the EMM QDB, we ask that you use the following citation:

Saji, Ami, Winn, Meredith, Marie, Lucie, Morales, Laura, Tservenis, Dimitrios Rafail, Schenckery, Anastasia, & Michaud, Geneviève. (2022). Ethnic and Migrant Minorities Survey Question Data Bank (1.0). Zenodo.


Since the fall of 2022, the EMM QDB has been successfully onboarded on ‘EOSC Marketplace’, too

Contribute and support

The EMM QDB is envisioned to be a question data bank for questionnaires used in surveys undertaken with EMM respondents. If you are interested in adding your questionnaire to the EMM QDB’s collection and you have access to Colectica software (which is needed to properly document your questionnaire), please contact, with the subject line: “Contributing a new questionnaire to the EMM QDB.”

You can find detailed information about the methodology employed to create the EMM QDB and the process for adding a questionnaire to the EMM QDB’s collection in the following documents:

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