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EMM Survey Registry

The Ethnic and Migrant Minorities (EMM) Survey Registry is a free online tool that allows users to search for and learn about existing quantitative surveys to EMM (sub)populations through the compiled survey-level metadata. All users of the EMM Survey Registry are asked to fully read and abide by the Conditions of use of the EMM Survey Registry and its metadata.

The EMM Survey Registry is one of the main outputs generated by COST Action 16111 Ethmigsurveydata jointly with the Sciences Po team of the SSHOC (Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud) project. It is also a result of the collective efforts by the national delegations of the participating countries in the COST Action, who have contributed to an initial comprehensive compilation of all the surveys targeting EMM respondents since January 2000 and until 2018 in their respective countries.

It is a very promising FAIR tool that contributes significantly to the development of Open Science/Open Data initiatives in the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary field of EMM and migration studies. Indeed, in July 2022, it was awarded one of the 1st Open Science prizes by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Science!

Discover more about the Registry though this explainer!

The EMM Survey Registry work has been coordinated by Laura Morales, Mónica Méndez, Anikó Bernat, and Johannes Bergh as the leaders of Work Groups (WG) 1 and 2 of the COST Action, and by Ami Saji at Sciences Po as the researcher in the SSHOC project. The ANR project FAIRETHMIGQUANT has also supported the compilation and quality checks of the survey-level metadata, primarily for the French surveys included in the EMM Survey Registry. Nevertheless, numerous researchers in the COST Action and the SSHOC project have contributed at various stages of the process, providing feedback on various iterations of the methodological guidelines and data collection templates as well as offering advice on the technical aspects of implementation, and participating in the quality control process. Unfortunately, they are too numerous to be listed here, but we wish to publicly acknowledge their contributions. The technical design and implementation of the registry was undertaken by Youngminds.

If you have any feedback to share on essential improvements or on any metadata corrections that need to be made for a particular survey record, please send them to with the subject line: “Feedback on EMM Survey Registry”.

In the sections below you will find information on the methodology, the countries for which information is available in this version release, information on how to add new surveys, and a link to access the EMM Survey Registry.


The EMM Survey Registry captures quantitative surveys undertaken with EMM (sub)populations that have been conducted:

  • since at least January 2000,
  • in at least one of the 34 COST Action participating countries (see the full list of countries in the section below)
  • and either at the national or subnational level.


The EMM Survey Registry, therefore, includes EMM-specific surveys and general population surveys with a substantive EMM (sub)sample.

For international survey programs (both for EMM-specific and general population surveys), there is no one record that captures all of the waves conducted across the different participating countries. Instead, a separate record has been created for each wave at the country-level, whenever it has met the EMM Survey Registry inclusion criteria. As such, for a number of international survey programs, only some waves for some countries may be documented in the EMM Survey Registry.

The methodology employed to create the EMM Survey Registry has been an iterative process of deliberation and trialing by a large number of researchers within WG1 and WG2 of the COST Action. You can find detailed information about the methods used in the following documents: 

  • Guidelines followed by the country delegations
  • Metadata compilation Excel-based template
  • Training videos provided to country teams
  • Example of a filled-in metadata compilation document
  • Guidelines for quality control steps followed by the Sciences Po team
  • Report describing how the EMM Survey Registry has been designed, developed, and delivered


This is the list of countries that have been included in the initial compilation of survey metadata undertaken by the COST Action.

Countries for which information is available in this version of the registry are denoted in blue (as hyperlinks). Click on the name of the country for a summary of the survey metadata that has been compiled for that country.

Cite and reuse the EMM Survey Registry metadata

The default license for all the metadata added to the EMM Survey Registry is CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication, accompanied by the following text: “Our community norms, as well as scientific best practices, expect that proper credit is given via citation. Please cite both the EMM Survey Registry and the data producers when re-using the metadata.”

Whenever you are using our registry and its survey-level metadata, we, therefore, ask that you cite our registry (using the citation provided below), as well as the data producers for the relevant survey(s) by using the suggested citations in section 9 of the corresponding record(s) about the survey(s) whenever this information has been provided.

Citation for the EMM Survey Registry: Morales, Laura, Ami Saji, Dimitrios Rafail Tservenis, Meredith Winn, Johannes Bergh, Anikó Bernát, Mónica Méndez, et al. (2024, October 15). Ethnic and Migrant Minorities (EMM) Survey Registry. Zenodo. [Access to the dataset here:]

To further facilitate access to and re-use of the survey-level metadata, you can currently:

[NOTE: To use this API, you will need to be familiar with how OAI-PMH (see user manual here) and Kuha2 operate (see user manual here), as well as understand the Kuha2 internal data model (input fields part 1, input fields part 2, and output fields).]

Here you can also find the ETHMIGSURVEYDATA’s Zenodo community page.


The EMM Survey Registry has been successfully onboarded on EOSC.

In the frame of ‘EOSC-Pillar’ (WP6), an open call for thematic services was launched at the end of 2020 with the aim of broadening the thematic scope of the work package and giving additional non-conventional services the possibility to be supported by the experts associated with EOSC-Pillar. One of the services selected was the EMM Survey Registry which, since July 2021, was mentored within the EOSC Pillar project and received support from the EOSC-Pillar experts for connection with appropriate initiatives and projects and, ultimately, support for the onboarding process for registration in the ‘EOSC Marketplace’, which has been integrated into the EOSC EU Node as of October 2024.

Contribute and support

The EMM Survey Registry is designed to be a constantly updated registry of surveys conducted with EMMs across Europe (and beyond). We encourage all researchers and organisations producing new surveys with EMMs to include and add metadata about their survey(s) to our registry. Below are more detailed instructions on how to contribute to and support our registry.

How to add new or missing surveys to the EMM Survey Registry

Have you produced survey data on COVID-19 (or its consequences) involving sizeable (sub)samples of EMM respondents, a survey with Ukrainian or Syrian refugees or a survey with EMM populations more broadly conducted from 2018 onwards? If so, we invite you to contribute your survey metadata following the instructions below:

  • Fill in this form so that we can generate an account for you to contribute to the EMM Survey Registry.
  • (Re)consult the Conditions of Use of the EMM Survey Registry and its metadata to understand how the metadata you contribute will be handled and used, as well as what your responsibilities are as a contributor to the EMM Survey Registry.
  • Learn more about how you will be able to add new metadata using your provided account by consulting this user guide and the video tutorials [TIP: Download the user guide for optimal use and reading].
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