Ethmig Survey Data Hub
A main goal of ETHMIGSURVEYDATA is to set up the Ethmig Survey Data Hub: a data hub that will facilitate knowledge sharing and transfer, as well as opportunities for deposit and access of EMM survey data across Europe.
The Ethmig Survey Data Hub is actively in development. When completed it will include the following four components:
- EMM Survey Registry
- EMM Survey Question Data Bank
- EMM Post-Harmonized Survey Data Bank
- EMM Survey Data Playground
The EMM Survey Registry (version 1.0) is now available for use.
The EMM Survey Registry is a free online tool that allows users to search for and learn about existing quantitative surveys to EMM populations through the survey-level metadata that has been compiled by WG1 and WG2 of ETHMIGSURVEYDATA with support from the SSHOC (Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud) project.
Access the EMM Survey Registry
The EMM Survey Question Data Bank (pilot version) is now available for use.
The EMM Survey Question Data Bank (EMM QDB)–which has been co-produced by COST Action 16111-ETHMIGSURVEYDATA, the SSHOC (Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud) project, and the FAIRETHMIGQUANT project–is a free online service dedicated to questionnaires used in quantitative surveys undertaken with ethnic and migrant minority (EMM) respondents. Users of the EMM QDB will be able to discover and learn about the different questionnaires, including their specific questions.
Access the EMM QDB
The EMM Survey Registry and the EMM QDB have been successfully onboarded on the ‘EOSC Marketplace’
The EMM Post-Harmonized Survey Data Bank is currently under construction.
WG1, WG2, and WG3 will pool surveys retrieved in the metadata compilation. Users will be able to easily examine and learn from the existing surveys.
Access the EMM Post-Harmonized Survey Data Bank
The following components of the Ethmig Survey Data Hub are currently under construction.
EMM Survey Data Playground
This Data Playground will allow any user to analyze pre-processed data from ‘post-harmonized’ datasets in interactive fashion.