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Help us to create a COVID-19 collection for the EMM Survey Registry!

The EMM Survey Registry—which has been co-created by our COST Action, the H2020 project SSHOC, and the ANR project FAIRETHMIGQUANT—is a free online tool for discovering and learning about existing quantitative surveys undertaken with EMM (sub) populations in Europe and beyond. This tool not only brings together previously scattered information about these surveys but also offers detailed and structured metadata for each of the surveys. Designed with the end-users in mind, this tool can also easily be leveraged by anyone interested in doing research or policy-related work using quantitative surveys on EMMs’ integration and inclusion.

With the beta version successfully launched in spring 2020, the EMM Survey Registry is now looking to expand its metadata offerings by curating a special COVID-19 collection! Specifically, we are calling all data producers who are currently developing or have already completed a COVID-19 survey that includes EMM respondents to contribute metadata about their survey directly to the EMM Survey Registry. Specific instructions about how to contribute metadata about a COVID-19 survey (as well as general information about the EMM Survey Registry) are provided in this infosheet (English version | French version| Spanish version | German version).


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