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The International Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities’ Survey Data Network) addresses existing research and knowledge gaps by bringing together researchers from all sectors to improve access, usability and dissemination of survey data on the economic, social and political integration of ethnic and migrant minorities (EMMs). This Action will achieve these goals by coordinating existing and future research efforts by scholars and research-oriented organizations that produce.

Why focus on survey data on ethnic and migrant minorities’ (EMMs’) economic, social and political integration?


Unfortunately, the results of these time-consuming and resource-intensive research efforts are often scattered across universities, archives, or in the personal files of individual researchers.

Bucharest Training School - Trainee Feedback
Bucharest Training School – Trainee FeedbackOctober 29, 2019reports-bucharest-october-2018-training-schools bucharest-october-2018-training-schools training-schools cost-action-events members-only
CA16111_Warsaw_Meeting_2018_AgendaOctober 29, 2019warsaw-march-2018 year-1 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
CA16111_2nd_Training_School_OverviewOctober 29, 2019call-for-applications-bucharest-october-2018-training-schools bucharest-october-2018-training-schools training-schools cost-action-events members-only
CA16111 Paris Meeting Minutes_July 2018
CA16111 Paris Meeting Minutes_July 2018October 29, 2019paris-july-2018 year-2 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
CA16111 Paris Meeting Minutes_July 2018
CA16111 Paris Meeting Minutes_July 2018October 29, 2019core-leadership-group cost-action-roles core-leadership-group-meeting-minutes members-only
COST Action CA16111 ETHMIGSURVEYDATA – Minutes WarsawMarch2018October 29, 2019warsaw-march-2018 year-1 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
CA16111 Porto Meeting Minutes_Nov2018
CA16111 Porto Meeting Minutes_Nov2018October 29, 2019porto-november-2018 year-2 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
AGENDA COST MEETING Luxembourg Oct2019 v3-1
AGENDA COST MEETING Luxembourg Oct2019 v3-1October 29, 2019esch-sur-alzette-belval-october-2019 year-3 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
Surveying immigrants without sampling frames – evaluating the success of alternative field methods
Surveying immigrants without sampling frames – evaluating the success of alternative field methodsJuly 18, 2019scientific-publications publications
CA 16111 Brussels Meeting Minutes_March 2020
CA 16111 Brussels Meeting Minutes_March 2020May 22, 2020brussels-march-2020 management-committee-mc mc-meeting-minutes year-4 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only cost-action-roles
CA16111 Barcelona Meeting Minutes-1October 29, 2019barcelona-april-2019 year-2 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
Turning points in migrants’ labour market integration in Europe and benefit spillovers for Romania and Serbia: the role of socio-psychological credentials.
Turning points in migrants’ labour market integration in Europe and benefit spillovers for Romania and Serbia: the role of socio-psychological credentials.July 4, 2019scientific-publications publications
Descriptive Political Representation in Spanish Local Politics: Demographic Concentration, Political Opportunities, and Parties’ Inclusiveness
Descriptive Political Representation in Spanish Local Politics: Demographic Concentration, Political Opportunities, and Parties’ InclusivenessJune 17, 2021scientific-publications publications
CA 16111 Luxembourg Meeting Minutes_October 2019
CA 16111 Luxembourg Meeting Minutes_October 2019May 22, 2020esch-sur-alzette-belval-october-2019 management-committee-mc mc-meeting-minutes year-3 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only cost-action-roles
CA 16111 Report 3rd Training School 2019
CA 16111 Report 3rd Training School 2019May 22, 2020reports-budapest-november-2019-training-schools training-schools budapest-november-2019-training-schools cost-action-events members-only
CA16111 Paris Meeting Agenda
CA16111 Paris Meeting AgendaOctober 29, 2019paris-april-2019 year-2 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
AGENDA COST meeting Roma_July2019
AGENDA COST meeting Roma_July2019October 29, 2019rome-july-2019 year-3 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
New Perspectives on the European Refugee Crisis. An empirical review
New Perspectives on the European Refugee Crisis. An empirical reviewMarch 8, 2020scientific-publications publications
ETHMIGSURVEYDATA COST ACTION 16111 network members and interests
ETHMIGSURVEYDATA COST ACTION 16111 network members and interestsOctober 29, 2019membership-directory members-only
CA16111 AGENDA OF THE PLENARY MADRID MEETINGOctober 29, 2019madrid-december-2017 year-1 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
Health in crises: migration, austerity and inequalities in Greece and Europe
Health in crises: migration, austerity and inequalities in Greece and EuropeMarch 7, 2020scientific-publications publications
Guidelines for Surveying Ethnic Minorities and Migrants
Guidelines for Surveying Ethnic Minorities and MigrantsJuly 4, 2019leaflets-and-brochures publications
CA16111 Agenda Barcelona Meeting-1October 29, 2019barcelona-april-2019 year-2 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
What Determines Voting Behaviors of Muslim Minorities in Europe: Muslim Identity or Left-Right Ideology?
What Determines Voting Behaviors of Muslim Minorities in Europe: Muslim Identity or Left-Right Ideology?May 22, 2020scientific-publications publications
In search of a frame: Challenges and opportunities for sampling immigrant minorities
In search of a frame: Challenges and opportunities for sampling immigrant minoritiesJuly 18, 2019scientific-publications publications
CA16111 Y3 Call ITC Conference Grants
CA16111 Y3 Call ITC Conference GrantsOctober 29, 2019stsm-and-itc-conference-grants-calls-for-application stsm-and-itc-conference-grants cost-action-events members-only
COST Sub-network on HealthSurveyData_MinutesVienna_final20180607October 29, 2019vienna-april-2018 year-1 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
COST Vademecum 2020
COST Vademecum 2020May 22, 2020cost-rules-and-procedure cost-action-general-information members-only
CA16111 Y3 Call STSM
CA16111 Y3 Call STSMOctober 29, 2019stsm-and-itc-conference-grants-calls-for-application stsm-and-itc-conference-grants cost-action-events members-only
CA16111 MEETING MINUTES COST MEETING Brussels 11-04-2019-1October 29, 2019brussels-november-2017 year-1 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
CA16111-Y2-CALL-STSM-01.2019.pdfOctober 29, 2019stsm-and-itc-conference-grants-calls-for-application stsm-and-itc-conference-grants cost-action-events members-only
CA16111 Rome Meeting Minutes_July 2019
CA16111 Rome Meeting Minutes_July 2019July 10, 2019cost-action-roles management-committee-mc mc-meeting-minutes members-only
CA16111_CALL 3rd TRAINING SCHOOL_vfOctober 29, 2019call-for-applications-budapest-november-2019-training-schools budapest-november-2019-training-schools training-schools cost-action-events members-only
AGENDA COST meeting Brussels_March 2020
AGENDA COST meeting Brussels_March 2020May 22, 2020brussels-march-2020 mc-meeting-minutes year-4 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only management-committee-mc cost-action-roles
Asylum seekers health and wellbeing (TERTTU) survey: study protocol for a prospective total population health examination survey on the health and service needs of newly arrived asylum seekers in Finland.
Asylum seekers health and wellbeing (TERTTU) survey: study protocol for a prospective total population health examination survey on the health and service needs of newly arrived asylum seekers in Finland.July 4, 2019scientific-publications publications
CA16111 Rome Meeting Minutes_July2019
CA16111 Rome Meeting Minutes_July2019October 29, 2019rome-july-2019 year-3 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
CA16111_Sciences_PoOctober 29, 2019outreach-materials cost-action-general-information members-only
Surveys to Ethnic and Migrant Minorities across Europe. Identifying Knowledge Strengths and Gaps Using Survey Metadata
Surveys to Ethnic and Migrant Minorities across Europe. Identifying Knowledge Strengths and Gaps Using Survey MetadataJuly 12, 2020reports-produced-by-the-action publications
A Comprehensive Analysis on Integration of Immigrants in Helsinki, Finland
A Comprehensive Analysis on Integration of Immigrants in Helsinki, FinlandMay 22, 2020scientific-publications publications
CA16111_AGENDA PARIS MEETINGOctober 29, 2019paris-july-2018 year-2 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
FINAL AGENDA COST Conference Palermo 2019
FINAL AGENDA COST Conference Palermo 2019October 29, 2019palermo-march-2019 year-2 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
CA16111 Porto Meeting Minutes_Nov2018
CA16111 Porto Meeting Minutes_Nov2018November 23, 2018core-leadership-group cost-action-roles core-leadership-group-meeting-minutes members-only
CA16111 Meeting Minutes COST Conference Palermo 2019
CA16111 Meeting Minutes COST Conference Palermo 2019October 29, 2019palermo-march-2019 year-2 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
CA16111_brochureOctober 29, 2019outreach-materials cost-action-general-information members-only
Agenda Meeting 1_final
Agenda Meeting 1_finalOctober 29, 2019brussels-november-2017 year-1 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
CA16111 Paris Meeting Minutes_July 2018
CA16111 Paris Meeting Minutes_July 2018October 29, 2019management-committee-mc mc-meeting-minutes cost-action-roles members-only
01 Annex II Presentation EstoniaOctober 29, 2019vienna-april-2018 year-1 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
AGENDA COST MEETING Brussels 11-04-2019October 29, 2019brussels-april-2019 year-2 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
CA16111 Rome Meeting Minutes_July2019
CA16111 Rome Meeting Minutes_July2019July 10, 2019core-leadership-group cost-action-roles core-leadership-group-meeting-minutes members-only
AGENDA COST MEETING Porto Nov2018 vFinal
AGENDA COST MEETING Porto Nov2018 vFinalOctober 29, 2019porto-november-2018 year-2 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
CA16111 MINUTES PLENARY MEETING_18-20 December2017-2October 29, 2019madrid-december-2017 year-1 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
CA16111 Agenda Cologne MeetingOctober 29, 2019cologne-april-2019 year-2 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
CA16111 Geneva Meeting MinutesOctober 29, 2019geneva-april-2019 year-2 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
CA16111 Cologne Meeting Minutes April 2019
CA16111 Cologne Meeting Minutes April 2019October 29, 2019cologne-april-2019 year-2 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
COST Vademecum 2019
COST Vademecum 2019October 29, 2019cost-rules-and-procedure cost-action-general-information members-only
CA16111 ETHMIGSURVEYDATAJuly 3, 2019leaflets-and-brochures publications
AGENDA COST Action WG3 Meeting (6-7 April 2019)October 29, 2019geneva-april-2019 year-2 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
CA16111_3rd TRAINING SCHOOL_schedule and abstracts-vf
CA16111_3rd TRAINING SCHOOL_schedule and abstracts-vfOctober 29, 2019reports-budapest-november-2019-training-schools budapest-november-2019-training-schools training-schools cost-action-events members-only
Paris Meeting Minutes April 2019
Paris Meeting Minutes April 2019October 29, 2019paris-april-2019 year-2 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
02 Annex III Refugee health study in AustriaOctober 29, 2019vienna-april-2018 year-1 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
TS final programme
TS final programmeOctober 29, 2019reports-bucharest-october-2018-training-schools bucharest-october-2018-training-schools training-schools cost-action-events members-only
CA16111 1st Training School - Final Programme
CA16111 1st Training School – Final ProgrammeOctober 29, 2019reports-warsaw-march-2018-training-schools warsaw-march-2018-training-schools-cost-action-events training-schools cost-action-events members-only
Surveying Ethnic Minorities and Migrants: A Legal Framework for Collecting Data and Other Methodological Issues.
Surveying Ethnic Minorities and Migrants: A Legal Framework for Collecting Data and Other Methodological Issues.July 4, 2019wg3-reports reports-produced-by-the-action wg3 cost-action-roles members-only publications
CA16111_Agenda_WP5_EWS_Budapest_Meeting_April2018October 29, 2019budapest-april-2018 year-1 cost-action-meetings cost-action-events members-only
SUMMARY OF COST ACTION 16111October 29, 2019cost-action-general-information outreach-materials members-only

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Isabella Barjon

Institution affiliation:
Sciences Po
read more

Joana Azevedo

Institution affiliation:
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
read more

Inês Vidigal

Institution affiliation:
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
read more

Inbal E. Cicurel

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Eszter Bogáromi

Institution affiliation:
Eszter Bogáromi
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Robert Suban

Institution affiliation:
University of Malta
read more

Sara Henriques

Institution affiliation:
European Asylum Support Office
read more

Constantinos Melachrinos

Institution affiliation:
European Asylum Support Office
read more

Tina Magazzini

Institution affiliation:
European University Institute
read more

Events – This is heading 1

Research: This is heading 2

This is heading 3

This is heading 4

This is heading 5
This is heading 6

Deep dive, and and theory of change corporate social responsibility green space social innovation triple bottom line co-create. Efficient best practices uplift youth her body her rights granular social impact theory of change. Overcome injustice low-hanging fruit human-centered accessibility incubator program areas thought provoking challenges and opportunities deep dive.

The International Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities’ Survey Data Network) addresses existing research and knowledge gaps by bringing together researchers from all sectors to improve access, usability and dissemination of survey data on the economic, social and political integration of ethnic and migrant minorities (EMMs). This Action will achieve these goals by coordinating existing and future research efforts by scholars and research-oriented organizations that produce.

Why focus on survey data on ethnic and migrant minorities’ (EMMs’) economic, social and political integration?

An increasing amount of survey data have been produced through EU funding, with many projects focusing on EMMs. These surveys cover a wide range of territories (cities, regions, countries as a whole) across multiple European countries, and an increasing number of them are general purpose surveys (such as labour market surveys or electoral surveys) that include boost samples, separate surveys, or large samples of EMMs. There is also a large (but still to be fully documented) number of surveys to EMMs undertaken by various research institutes, civil society organizations, think tanks and

Unfortunately, the results of these time-consuming and resource-intensive research efforts are often scattered across universities, archives, or in the personal files of individual researchers.


Unfortunately, the results of these time-consuming and resource-intensive research efforts are often scattered across universities, archives, or in the personal files of individual researchers.

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