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The COST Action CA16111 ETHMIGSURVEYDATA seeks to advance academic debate on the economic, social and political integration of ethnic and migrant minorities (EMMs). Outcomes of this process include reports and brochures produced by the WGs members, as well as scientific publications resulted from scholarly collaboration fostered by this Action.

Publications produced through ETHMIGSURVEYDATA are also stored and made available in Zenodo: ETHMIGSURVEYDATA community

What challenges does collecting data on EMMs present? Why focus on survey data on EMMs’ integration? Some answers are provided in the reports and the articles below.

TypeDocumentDocument CategoriesAbstractdocument_category_hfilter
What Determines Voting Behaviors of Muslim Minorities in Europe: Muslim Identity or Left-Right Ideology?
What Determines Voting Behaviors of Muslim Minorities in Europe: Muslim Identity or Left-Right Ideology?

MC Member Marc Swyngedouw published an article on the determinants of Muslim minorities’ voting behaviour in Europe in the JournalPolitical Psychology, which relies on data from representative surveys in two Belgian cities.

Baysu, G. and M. Swyngedouw (2020). What Determines Voting Behaviors of Muslim Minorities in Europe: Muslim Identity or Left-Right Ideology? Political Psychology, online first, DOI: 10.1111/pops.12653
scientific-publications publications
Health in crises: migration, austerity and inequalities in Greece and Europe
Health in crises: migration, austerity and inequalities in Greece and Europe

Theoni Stathopoulou, MC Substitute in the COST Action CA16111 ETHMIGSURVEYDATA, is co-editor of the “Health in crises: migration, austerity and inequalities in Greece and Europe” special issue, published in the European Journal of Public Health. Theoni Stathopoulou co-authored several articles in this special issue.

European Journal of Public Health,volume 28, Issue Supplement 5, December 2018: Health in crises: migration, austerity and inequalities in Greece and Europe (
scientific-publications publications
Surveying Ethnic Minorities and Migrants: A Legal Framework for Collecting Data and Other Methodological Issues.
Surveying Ethnic Minorities and Migrants: A Legal Framework for Collecting Data and Other Methodological Issues.,

Simon, P., Lopatin, E., Oliveri, A. M., González-Ferrer, A. and C. Fortunato (2019). Surveying Ethnic Minorities and Migrants: A Legal Framework for Collecting Data and Other Methodological Issues

wg3-reports reports-produced-by-the-action wg3 cost-action-roles members-only publications
Asylum seekers health and wellbeing (TERTTU) survey: study protocol for a prospective total population health examination survey on the health and service needs of newly arrived asylum seekers in Finland.
Asylum seekers health and wellbeing (TERTTU) survey: study protocol for a prospective total population health examination survey on the health and service needs of newly arrived asylum seekers in Finland.

MC Substitute Natalia Skogberg co-authored the Asylum Seekers Health and Wellbeing Survey study protocol, which explains the rationale and methodology of the largest population-based health examination survey among newly-arrived asylum seekers in Europe.

Skogberg N, Koponen P, Tiittala P, et al. (2019). Asylum seekers health and wellbeing (TERTTU) survey: study protocol for a prospective total population health examination survey on the health and service needs of newly arrived asylum seekers in Finland. BMJ Open; 9. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-027917
scientific-publications publications
In search of a frame: Challenges and opportunities for sampling immigrant minorities
In search of a frame: Challenges and opportunities for sampling immigrant minorities

MC Member Romana Careja co-edited a special issue of Comparative Migration Studies, comprising expert reviews from six European Union member states that discuss the possibilities of sampling migrants in their respective countries 

Careja, R. and H. J. Andreß (2018). In search of a frame: Challenges and opportunities for sampling immigrant minorities. Comparative Migration Studies, 6 (1).
scientific-publications publications


leaflets-and-brochures publications
Guidelines for Surveying Ethnic Minorities and Migrants
Guidelines for Surveying Ethnic Minorities and Migrants

Simon, P., Lopatin, E., Oliveri, A. M., González-Ferrer, A. and C. Fortunato (2019). Guidelines for Surveying Ethnic Minorities and Migrants

leaflets-and-brochures publications
Surveys to Ethnic and Migrant Minorities across Europe. Identifying Knowledge Strengths and Gaps Using Survey Metadata
Surveys to Ethnic and Migrant Minorities across Europe. Identifying Knowledge Strengths and Gaps Using Survey Metadata

Several MC members from Workgroup 1 and 2 published a report on the EMM Survey Registry.

Morales, L., Saji, A., Prandner, D., Bergh, J., Bernat, A., and Méndez Lago, M. (2020). Surveys to Ethnic and Migrant Minorities across Europe. Identifying Knowledge Strengths and Gaps Using Survey Metadata. (Version 1). Zenodo.
reports-produced-by-the-action publications
Descriptive Political Representation in Spanish Local Politics: Demographic Concentration, Political Opportunities, and Parties’ Inclusiveness
Descriptive Political Representation in Spanish Local Politics: Demographic Concentration, Political Opportunities, and Parties’ Inclusiveness
Pamies C., Pérez-Nievas S., Vintila D. & Marta Paradés (2021) Descriptive Political Representation in Spanish Local Politics: Demographic Concentration, Political Opportunities, and Parties’ Inclusiveness”, American Behavioral Scientist, online version:
scientific-publications publications
Turning points in migrants’ labour market integration in Europe and benefit spillovers for Romania and Serbia: the role of socio-psychological credentials.
Turning points in migrants’ labour market integration in Europe and benefit spillovers for Romania and Serbia: the role of socio-psychological credentials.

MC Substitute Grațiela Georgiana Noja and MC Member Nebojša Petrović are co-authors of an article which identifies and discusses the economic and socio-psychological coordinates in migrants’ labour market integration into ten EU countries.

Noja, G. G., Petrović, N. and M. Cristea (2018). Turning points in migrants’ labour market integration in Europe and benefit spillovers for Romania and Serbia: the role of socio-psychological credentials. Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci/Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics
scientific-publications publications
Surveying immigrants without sampling frames – evaluating the success of alternative field methods
Surveying immigrants without sampling frames – evaluating the success of alternative field methods

MC Observer David Reichel and MC Chair Laura Morales are the co-authors of an article which evaluates the sampling methods of the Immigrant Citizens Survey and argues that alternative sampling methods can provide meaningful results in terms of core demographic characteristics.

Reichel, D. and L. Morales (2017). Surveying immigrants without sampling frames – evaluating the success of alternative field methods. Comparative Migration Studies, 5 (1), doi:
scientific-publications publications
A Comprehensive Analysis on Integration of Immigrants in Helsinki, Finland
A Comprehensive Analysis on Integration of Immigrants in Helsinki, Finland

MC Substitute Pasi Saukkonen published a book on the integration of immigrants in the city of Helsinki and the Finnish capital region for which the English summary is provided here.

Saukkonen, P. (2020). Kotoutuminen kaupungissa – kokonaiskuva ulkomaalaistaustaisista Helsingissä vuonna 2020. Helsinki.
scientific-publications publications
New Perspectives on the European Refugee Crisis. An empirical review
New Perspectives on the European Refugee Crisis. An empirical review

MC Substitute Theoni Stathopoulou co-edited a special issue entitled “New Perspectives on the European Refugee Crisis. An empirical review” published in the Journal of Refugee Studies (Oxford University Press). This special issue includes a timely collection of 19 articles written by a multidisciplinary team of authors.

Journal of Refugee Studies,volume 32, Special Issue 1, December 2019: New Perspectives on the European Refugee Crisis. An Empirical Review. doi:
scientific-publications publications
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