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Webinar Materials: Policy Dialogue Webinar Series Building EU common indicators

The Cost Action ETHMIGSURVEYDATA organized during the months of May and June 2021, a short series of webinars to learn more about projects on migrants and ethnic minorities ongoing in policy relevant institutions and share the Action’s main results. The European Asylum Support Office (EASO), the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) will be presenting their projects.

The kick-off of the Policy Dialogue Webinar Series was on May 4th with the webinar “Building EU common indicators on migrant integration: The role of survey data on migrants and ethnic minorities.”



  • Béatrice d’Hombres, JRC-EC: EU-wide surveys: What use for policymaking (PDF)
  • Marco Scipioni, JRC-EC: Survey-based indicators on attitudes towards immigration (PDF)
  • Laura Morales, Ethmigurveydata: The EthMigSurveyDataHub: facilitating knowledge sharing and transfer of migrant and ethnic minorities survey data across Europe (PDF)

Commentary by Franz Eiffe, Eurofound

Chairs: Elena Ambrosetti, Sapienza University Rome; Guido Tintori, JRC-EC)

You can find the video recording of the webinar on Youtube.

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